Breakthrough: Doing This Can Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer's by Up to 86%, Scientists Say

Breakthrough: Doing This Can Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer’s by Up to 86%, Scientists Say
A recent, breakthrough study, has found that using tea for Alzheimer`s may notably lower the risk of developing the disease. According to a 2017 study by the National University of Singapore, sipping tea could indeed protect against Alzheimer`s disease.

While most people don’t give a second though to sipping a cup of chamomile or matcha green tea, it turns out that this drink not only tastes good, but it is extremely beneficial for the brain as well. Specifically, tea for Alzheimer`s prevention could be a cheap and simple way to lower your risk of developing this condition.

Tea for Alzheimer’s Prevention Looks Promising The study on tea for Alzheimer`s prevention involved over 950 adults aged 55 years or older and investigated their tea drinking habits from 2003 to 205. From 2006 to 2010, the scientists followed up with them and assessed their cognitive function.

It was found that those who drank tea on a regular basis reduced their risk of neurocognitive disorders by 50%. Even more amazingly, the protective benefits of the tea were specifically effective for those genetically predisposed to Alzheimer`s. This particular group reduced their rik by staggering 86%.

As explained by the researchers, the type of tea being used for this purpose doesn’t matter, as long as it is made out of leaves and drank regularly.

How Tea Impacts the Brain While tea for Alzheimer`s is an amazing news, it is the latest proof that works to protect the brain. Its benefits are attributed to its compounds like theaflavins and catechins, both of which are loaded with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, protecting the brain from aging.

According to a 2013 study, theanine and caffeine found in tea helped the drinkers perform far better at work, increasing alertness and creativity. Caffeine goes well with L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes relaxation. As a matter of fact, this combination reduces mental fatigue while boosting memory and alertness.

In 2012, a team of researchers found that EGCG, a chemical in green tea, boosts memory. This chemical stimulates the production of neural progenitor cells, which in turn allows the brain to adjust to its own needs.  When tested on lab mice, this chemical was found to help rodents improve spatial mamory.

Best Ways to Enjoy Tea Here are a few tips on how to get the most of tea and its benefits! 1. Use real tea leaves As much convenient tea bags are, the tea for Alzheimer`s study pointed out that the tea leaves are the ones that contain the healing properties.  The good news is that there are many teapots that trap leaves available, which makes brewing tea extremely convenient. Always look for organic teas!

2. Don’t brew too long Make sure you don’t brew too long. For instance, green tea needs only two or three minutes to steep, nothing more.  Any longer and the tea will chemicals that leave a bitter taste. For other teas, three to five minutes is the best.

3. Beware of what you’re adding Many people sweeten up their tea with table sugar, sending them on a high and crash. By doing so, you are ending up with an unhealthy drink and nothing more.

It is recommended to opt for raw honey or Manuka honey, both of which offer a wide array of health benefits. Stay away from store-bough honey and the individual packets served as restaurants, both of which might be fake honey!

If you want your tea creamier, add full-fat milk or coconut milk.  Avoid non-dairy creamers that most people add to tea.

Breakthrough: Doing This Can Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer's by Up to 86%, Scientists Say | Unknown | 5